We’re all in and basically settled! Last Saturday we had 12 awesome people (family and friends) pitch in and help us move. Having that much helped made it so incredibly easy (that and the fact that we were only moving 3 miles away). We were loaded in about an hour and a half, and unloaded in about 45 minutes. Then it was lunch time! After lunch we began the actual unpacking process – that’s considerably slower. But by the end of the day, everything was (basically) in its rooms, the TV was functional, the network was up and running, we had both bathrooms stocked, and the bed was usable! So, basically everything one needs.
Since then, we’ve just worked on fine-tuning our setups. It is so wonderful to have so much space. While only about 240 sq. ft. larger than the apartment we came from, the house just feels so much bigger! The vaulted ceiling in the entry/living room helps, as does the more open living room/kitchen/dining room area. Also, having a deck overlooking a pond is a wonderful thing. It is so peaceful to come home from work and light up the grill, sit on the porch, and watch the ducks (and geese, ugh) play in the pond.
The only good story to tell from the move that I can think of was the fact that we finished loading the truck, shut the door, and said “Sweet! Everything just fits!†And then I remembered the garage. (We had a one-car garage at the apartment.) Fortunately, there wasn’t much in there, but we did have to return briefly (literally a 30-minute round trip, including load and travel time) to get the grill, the bikes, and a small assortment of other boxes and items from the garage. Whoops!
All told, the move went very smoothly. And nothing was broken! Many thanks again to those who helped. Hopefully we can have each of you over sometime soon. :-)
Hooray, house!